Our Weakness, His Strength

The life of Gideon will encourage you to see your weaknesses in a whole new way in this 7-week study by Priscilla Shirer. Instead of ignoring, neglecting or trying to escape them, you will learn to see your weaknesses as the God-given gifts that they are, and the key to unlocking the full experience of His strength in your life.

WHEN: Tuesdays, January 30–March 12
TIME: 6:00–7:30pm
LEADERS: Maria Zimmerman | 320-291-0630
WHERE: Joy Christian Center
GROUP SIZE: up to 12
OPEN TO: adults
COST: book – Gideon by Priscilla Shirer


The life of Gideon will encourage you to see your weaknesses in a whole new way in this 7-week study by Priscilla Shirer. Instead of ignoring, neglecting or trying to escape them, you will learn to see your weaknesses as the God-given gifts that they are, and the key to unlocking the full…
Being Biblical Citizens and bringing “salt & light” requires knowledge of the culture we are attempting to preserve as we fulfill the Great Commission to “make disciples.” We’ll learn important Biblical principles and how to apply them to the world around us. You can be the catalyst for restoring…
We, of Alcoholics Anonymous, are more than 100 men and women who have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. The main purpose of this group is to show other alcoholics precisely how we have recovered. Join us to learn how this 12-step study can transform your life.